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Nad Krocínkou 317/48, Praha 9

COM PLUS was incorporated in 1993 to fill the market gap in the area of telecommunications. In the same year the company was authorized as an AT&T dealer for the North Bohemia region. After satisfaction of all the challenging requirements, COM PLUS obtained a license to sell, assemble and to provide service for DEFINITY PBX. Continuous uninterrupted professional staff trainings (in Europe and USA) enable us to provide high-end technical solutions since our early beginnings to the present and above all into the future. COM PLUS provides networking solutions that customers use to build unified information infrastructures of their own, or to connect to someone else network. A great example was the exclusive contract with North Bohemia Power Distribution Company signed in 1994 to digitize their corporate network. The solution was based on SDH technology developed by Lucent Technologies and it included supply of 50 PBXs. The total investment costs reached 150 million Czech crowns. After seven years, this cooperation still continues and now we are upgrading the existing SDH (STM1) system to the STM 16 network. Another long-term contract was signed with TELECOM in 1995. In that case we ran more then 70km of long-distance optical cables and installed 11 DEFINITY switchboards. Due to cooperation with these companies we became one of the primary AT&T (at present it’s AVAYA and Lucent Technologies) partners in the Czech Republic. In the year 1998, we started another partnership with EUROTEL – the largest Czech mobile operator. The objective of this project was to build a sizable portion of their mobile network. It involved not only technology delivery but also site acquisition, obtaining all the necessary permits, project documentation, assembly of GSM nodes, setting radio antennas and emission measurements. Now we provide complete service to these established sites. Our next large contract was signed with ALIATEL in 1998 to design and install microwave hops and to build up15 access points (TEN 34). A business association similar to the one established with EUROTEL was initiated with CESKY MOBIL in 1999, which continues to this day. To date our accomplishments include: 320 acquisitions, 240 GSM/DCS site designs, 280 civil works and we installed telecommunication equipment at 530 sites for EUROTEL (including one MSC), CESKY MOBIL and Ericsson (including three BSCs). List of current offices: · Praha – headquarter (2000) · Ústí nad Labem (1993) · Liberec (1994) · Hradec Králové (1997) · Zlín (2000) · České Budějovice (2000) · Brno (2004) The company employs approximately 120 skilled employees. System of High Quality Customer Care To succeed in today’s competitive environment we’ve developed a highly efficient integrated customer support system. We all know that the key point in the area of telecommunication is to have a failure-free and fully functional system. The first step to accomplish this objective is a day-to-day tight cooperation with Lucent Technologies and Avaya, whose outstanding products create the base of our solutions. To guarantee the quality of complete solutions we provide: · Preventive maintenance of all system components · Replacement of broken equipment with new one · Regular daily diagnoses · Consultation services · Nonstop HOT-LINE service · Short response time (up to one hour) · We have done ISO 9001 certificate. We believe that High Quality Services is the only way to achieve a long-term success in the area of our business.

Adresa Nad Krocínkou 317/48, Praha 9
Web www.complus.cz

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