| katalog firem

EuroPM s.r.o.

Nám. 14. října 1307/2, Praha 5

Dodávky služeb projektového řízení a výběrových řízení. Jan Benes is PMP/PMI Certified Project Manager with management practices complying to (among others) ISO 9000, 10000 (ISO 10006, 10007) series. Ex-SAP consultant, leader of technology teams, member of prestigious Project Management Associations (Project Management Institute-USA, International Project Management Association-Europe, Společnost pro projektové řízení-CZ), Business Analyst, Process and Data Flow Engineer, Management IT Advisor, Relational Database Designer, SAP R/3 Financial, Workflow, CO and Project System Specialist, Document systems Consultant, developer of internet server applications using SQL databases. Middleware and billing systems: managing projects with Infranet, Arbor, Tuxedo, BSCS, Siebel, Oracle.. (further details below in projects for telco and banking). Well oriented in Tibco Enterprise Backbone. Management of Projects with use of PMBOK 3rd methodology, project and product quality management compliant with ISO 9000 and 10000 series and other proprietary quality management approaches as recommended by Deming, Juran, Crosby and others and nonproprietary approaches such as Total Quality Management (TQM), Continuous Improvement, PDCA quality life cycle and others. Project Management processes also compliant with Sarbanes Oxley Act. Owner of several “small” (utility samples) patents related to communication and mobile media/payments.

Adresa Nám. 14. října 1307/2, Praha 5
Web www.europm.com

Zajímavé produkty jiných firem


  • Lokalita: Pardubice VII, Trnová

Systém PTimer

  • Lokalita: Praha 4, Podolí

Poradenství OHSAS 18001

  • Lokalita: Brno-střed

Poradenství v oblastni IS

  • Lokalita: Ostrava Mariánské Hory

Clusterová řešení

  • Lokalita: Praha 10, Vinohrady


  • Lokalita: Praha 5, Jinonice

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